You might have some stuff that you’ll not use anymore but in good condition. So, you can donate them some charities to get rid of them and get some extra space in your house. If the charities take your stuff, you don’t need to worry to pick them up to make your house clean.
That means you don’t need to contact an Austin TX junk removal company. As a regular reader, you know we have lots of content regarding shifting your house. Also, we’re going to discuss more this similar issue in this post that will help you to get an inventory of your stuff.
In your life, you should not spark joy as conflicting to just carrying them to your new house with you. That’s one of the great goals to dispose of these items. Now, let’s know about some charities that pick up your donated items. Also, take an important note that many trash removal Austin TX or such junk removal services help to make your donation works smoother to be completed.
Salvation Army

Are you looking to donate something to a charity? Then, the Salvation Army should come first on your mind. As the charity is working for more than 150 years, it makes a big sense. Also, you’ll find it nearby your town because it has more than 7,000 branches across the United States.
Now, the question is what items they accept when you want to donate something. Almost everything as long as the items are in good conditions. These include furniture, clothing, mattresses, and different household items. When it comes to who they help, it’s a wide variety of people.
These include human trafficking victim, domestic violence’s victim, youth at risk, and others. You just need to visit their website to get an appointment to pick up your donated items.

It’s also another famous charity that picks up your donated stuff. It was founded early in 1902 and has over 2,800 stores across the United States and Canada. You can bring items to your nearby store and they’ll sell them at a discount price to them who those need the stuff.
The raised money spends on different initiatives like placement programs and job training. Like the Salvation Army, they also accept a large range of items that are gently used. These include furniture, shoes, clothing, electronics, and many more.
Apart from providing job training, Goodwill provides classes plus community-based programs. They work for youth, disabled individuals, prisoner, and others. So, if you want to donate something, you’ll have to contact through their website to get an appointment.
AMVETS National Service Foundation
Since 1944, this charity is serving the US veterans and it has activity in 22 states in the US. They have physical stores and donation pickups. They use your donation to different charitable jobs. These include job training programs and outright community programs.
But, they like to accept smaller appliances and furniture along with electronics, clothing and accessories, bedding, toys, and more. Also, they focus on US war veterans’ support for active men and women as well as army persons that discharged with honor. You’ll have to contact through their website to get an appointment if you want to donate something.